Policies and FAQ

How do I contact you?

Please complete this contact form to reach me. We can schedule a free 15-minute phone consultation to discuss your needs and whether we should proceed with scheduling an initial visit.

What is the CBT-I treatment process?

If based on the phone consultation we have agreed to move forward, we will schedule an initial, 90-minute session. I will provide you with some questionnaires to complete via the patient portal prior to the appointment, to help determine your needs. The purpose of the initial assessment session is to evaluate what sort of problems you are experiencing with your sleep and to discuss treatment options. The assessment is quite important, as there are many sleep disorders that can be hidden and may in fact be the underlying problem. Following the initial session, treatment consists of 50-minute sessions. Typically, CBT-I lasts for 6-8 sessions, including the initial 90-minute session.

What are your rates?

The fee for the initial, 90-minute session is $300. Following this, 50-minute sessions are $200. Payment is due at the time of service, and you may pay with a credit card via the patient portal. Keep in mind that CBT-I is a specialized treatment, and that it normally lasts for only 6-8 sessions, including the initial 90-minute assessment.

Do you accept insurance?

I do not accept insurance, and am considered an out-of-network provider. 

What if I have Medicare?

Unfortunately, due to certain regulations I am unable to accept clients who have Medicare at this time, even if you do not plan to use your Medicare for the services.